leontodon taraxacum unterschied

Flora of North America Editorial Committee in Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2006). July 4, 2019. Pyrénées: 94 (1826) Sources Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Selected Plant Families 2021. Mai 2021: Kräuterwanderung durch bunte Blumenwiesen in die faszinierende Rheinschlucht (Graubünden), 13. The record derives from TICA (data supplied on 2012-02-11) which does not establish this name either as an accepted name or as a synonym (record E58609BC-2FC2-49B1-AA57-05E5130CDCE6) with original publication details: … Raw leaves have a slightly bitter taste. Bitte nicht mehr anmelden. Pflanzenkunde: Löwenzahn (Taraxacum) ist nicht gleich Löwenzahn (Leontodon) Natur, Phytotherapie. Martin Koradi, Dozent für Phytotherapie / Pflanzenheilkunde, Interessengemeinschaft Phytotherapie und Pflege: www.ig-pp.ch, Schmerzen? The leaf margins are typically shallowly lobed to deeply lobed and often lacerate or toothed with sharp or dull teeth.[11]. Publication Catalogue des Plantes Indigenes des Pyrenees et du Bas-Languedoc Collation 94 Date of Publication 18-23 Oct 1826 Family as entered in IPNI Asteraceae Type Information Locality En Bas Languedoe The fruits have 4 to 12 ribs that have sharp edges. The foliage may be upright-growing or horizontally spreading; the leaves have petioles that are either unwinged or narrowly winged. Taraxacum. NEWS - FEATURES: None of the links on this page are sponsored. 1913. Native Introduced Native and Introduced. [45] The flowers are used to make dandelion wine,[46] the greens are used in salads, the roots have been used to make a coffee substitute (when baked and ground into powder) and the plant was used by Native Americans as a food and medicine. Juni 2020: Kräuterspaziergang Zürich Albisgüetli - Sihl (abends), 12.Juli 2020: Kräuterwanderung in die Hochmoorlandschaft Schwantenau bei Einsiedeln, 18. See also List of Lepidoptera that feed on dandelions. März 2021: Heilpflanzen-Anwendungen bei Schlafstörungen, Angst, Depression, 23. For more multimedia, look at Leontodon saxatilis on Wikimedia Commons. Mai 2021: Kräuterwanderung Dättnauertal und Rumstal bei Winterthur, 9. Taraxacum officinale G. H. Weber ex Wiggers", "Taraxacum officinale complex (dandelion)", "The Diuretic Effect in Human Subjects of an Extract of Taraxacum officinale Folium over a Single Day", "Taraxalisin -- a serine proteinase from dandelion Taraxacum officinale Webb s.l", Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Taraxacum_officinale&oldid=1000014934, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from April 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 13 January 2021, at 02:42. and the generic name Taraxacum: A review and a new typification proposal February 2011 Taxon 60(1):216-220 Plants have milky latex and the leaves are all basal; each flowering stem lacks bracts and has one single flower head. - 9. Tagesseminar in Winterthur für Berufsleute aus Pflege, Naturheilkunde und Medizin, aber auch für weitere Interessierte ohne medizinische Grundausbildung (der Kurs ist gut verständlich). Juli 2020: Kräuterwanderung in der Berglandschaft Gumen (Braunwald, Glarnerland), 12. Wir erkunden die faszinierende Rheinschlucht und den Bergfrühling im Bargis-Hochtal. Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter und Alpenblumen kennenlernen auf Kräuterwanderungen in der Surselva (Graubünden). ― Synonym of Leontodon autumnalis subsp. Taraxacum officinale. Mai 2021: Phytotherapie-Ausbildung, 22. Brustkrebs: Akupunktur kann Nebenwirkungen der Hormontherapie lindern –... Aromatherapie / Aromapflege: Ätherische Öle mit antiviraler Wirkung. [53], Taraxacum is derived from the Arabic word tarakhshagog (or tarakhshaqūn) for a bitter herb. Cambridge University Press. Lifeform: Family: What plants grow with Leontodon taraxacoides? Nelson Sutherland, C.H. November 2020: Erkältungskrankheiten und grippale Infekte - Prophylaxe und Therapie mit Heilpflanzen, 12./13. (1998) found that taraxalisin hydrolyzes a chromogenic peptide substrate Glp-Ala-Ala-Leu-pNA optimally at pH 8.0. Juni 2021: Kräuterwanderung alpine Moorlandschaft Moosalp ob Visp (Wallis), 27. Accessed: 08-Apr-12. Leontodon taraxacum L., Sp. The Plant List. David McKay, New York. zu beobachten. Heilpflanzen-Wissen für Fachleute und Laien, Heilpflanzen-Wissen für medizinische Laien, Pflanzenkunde: Löwenzahn (Taraxacum) ist nicht gleich Löwenzahn (Leontodon). Wigg", "Taraxacum campylodes G.E.Haglund — The Plant List", "Definition of "blowball" - Collins English Dictionary", "dandelion clock - Definition from Longman English Dictionary Online", "Clock dictionary definition - clock defined", "Competition for pollinators and intra-communal spectral dissimilarity of flowers", "Taraxacum officinale in Flora of North America @", "Ecological and evolutionary opportunities of apomixis: insights from, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, "ITIS Standard Report Page: Taraxacum officinale", "PLANTS Profile for Taraxacum officinale ssp. Das gleiche Phänomen ist im Übrigen auch beim Frauenmantel (Alchemilla spec.) The first group reproduces sexually, as do most seed plants. [41], While not in bloom, this species is sometimes confused with others, such as Chondrilla juncea, that have similar basal rosettes of foliage. [51], Dandelion has been used in traditional medicine in Europe, North America, and China. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. These European dandelions can be divided into two groups. The leaves are high in beta-carotene, vitamin C and iron. Leontodon taraxaci (L.) Loisel. T. officinale is considered a weed, especially in lawns and along roadsides, but it is sometimes used as a medical herb and in food preparation. In many lineages, fruits are mostly produced by apomixis,[11] notwithstanding the flowers are visited by many types of insects. In Silesia and other parts of Poland and the world, dandelion flowers are used to make a honey substitute syrup with added lemon (so-called May-honey). Pl. Heilpflanzen und Wildkräuter kennenlernen und eine der schönsten Flusslandschaften der Schweiz erleben. 02. Eine Augenweide. Mai ist ausgebucht. Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter und Alpenblumen kennenlernen in der faszinierenden Berglandschaft Gumen oberhalb Braunwals (Glarnerland). Juli 2021: Kräuterwanderung Chäserugg und Schwendiseen im Toggenburg (Kanton St. Gallen), 25. The dentylion (Taraxacum officinale) an pairt o the Asteraceae faimily, is kent as the dandillie or witch gowan an aw. Facebook; Twitter; Member Login; Join; Username Password Keep me logged in Forgot Password? Brown. Heilpflanzen und Wildkräuter kennenlernen in einer eindrücklichen, blumenreichen, alten Kulturlandschaft bei Basel. Juni 2020: Kräuterspaziergang Winterthur Gallispitz und Naturschutzgebiet Chöpfi (abends), 24. Diploid dandelions have eight pairs of chromosomes, and meiosis is regular with normal pairing of homologous chromosomes at the metaphase I stage of meiosis. Leontodon taraxacum or common dandelium. Mai 2021: Kräuterwanderung in Hemberg im Toggenburg (Kanton St. Gallen), 29. [36], The dandelion is a common colonizer of disturbed habitats, both from wind blown seeds and seed germination from the seed bank. Summary Nomenclature Taxon Concepts Subordinates Vernacular Applications Feedback. Taraxacum officinale (Common dandelion) (Leontodon taraxacum) Taraxacum officinale. - 7. [38] When released, the seeds can be spread by the wind up to several hundred meters from their source. Dort werden jetzt laufend schon neue Daten für die Kräuterwanderungen 2015 publiziert. runcinatum Benth. Leontodon taraxacoides is a species of hawkbit known by the common name lesser hawkbit, rough hawkbit, or hairy hawkbit.It is native to Europe and North Africa but it can be found in many other places across the globe as an introduced species and often a noxious weed.This is a dandelion-like herb growing patches of many erect, leafless stems from a basal rosette of leaves. Plants (1–)5–40(–60) cm; taproots seldom branched. appears in other Kew resources: IPNI - The International Plant Names Index. 1. Der Herbst-Löwenzahn, auch Leontodon, Milchkraut oder Löwenzahn genannt, sieht dem Gewöhnlichen Löwenzahn ebenfalls zum Verwechseln ähnlich. This group consists of dandelions that have a diploid set of chromosomes, and are sexually self-incompatible. Leontodon taraxacum L. Taraxacum dens-leonis Desf. Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter und seltene Orchideen kennenlernen in der faszinierenden Auenlandschaft "Petite Camargue" bei Basel - direkt hinter der Grenze in Frankreich. [26], Taraxacum officinale has many English common names (some of which are no longer in use), including blowball, lion's-tooth, cankerwort, milk-witch, yellow-gowan, Irish daisy, monks-head, priest's-crown and puff-ball;[27] other common names include, faceclock, pee-a-bed, wet-a-bed,[28] swine's snout,[29] white endive, and wild endive. [citation needed]. 3 vols. For example, Rothmaler's flora of Germany recognizes roughly 70 microspecies. [14] The taxonomy of this genus has been complicated by the recognition of numerous species,[17] subspecies and microspecies. Löwenzahn (Taraxacum officinale) ist in der Phytotherapie als Bitterstoffpflanze bekannt und wird vor allem zur Förderung der Verdauung angewendet, zum Beispiel in Leber-Galle-Tees. Mit Heilpflanzen-Anwendungen lassen sich viele Beschwerden lindern, die als Begleiterscheinung der Tumorerkrankung oder als Folge von Chemo- oder Strahlentherapie auftreten. Tagesseminar für Berufsleute aus Pflege, Naturheilkunde, Medizin, sowie weitere Interessierte ( auch ohne medizinische Vorkenntnisse). [family COMPOSITAE ] Verified by Data not digitized, Related name The plants are adaptable to most soils and the seeds are not dependent on cold temperatures before they will germinate but they need to be within the top 2.5 cm (1 in) of soil.[25]. Ein lohnender botanischer Ausflug über die Grenze nach Deutschland. Sexual reproduction involves a reduction of the somatic chromosome number by meiosis followed by a restoration of the somatic chromosome number by fertilization. Vernacular names . suomi: Juovamaitiainen polski: Brodawnik różnoowockowy. Amazon.com: Leontodon Taraxacum (Common Dandelion) - 1898 - old print - antique print - vintage print - Plants art prints: Posters & Prints [31] The common name dandelion comes from the French dent de lion, or "lion's tooth", in reference to the plant's jagged-edged leaves. [30], Carl Linnaeus named the species Leontodon taraxacum in 1753. [44], While the dandelion is considered a weed by most gardeners and especially lawn owners, the plant has several culinary uses. ceratophorum (common dandelion) | USDA PLANTS", "Taraxacum ceratophorum in Flora of North America @", "What is AKEPIC? Ground roasted dandelion root can be used as a non-caffeinated coffee substitute. A study conducted in 2009 noted 'promising' results regarding these diuretic properties, but that further studies would need to be conducted into the plant's efficacy. 15. The florets number 40 to over 100 per head, having corollas that are yellow or orange-yellow in color. Wenn Sie Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter und Alpenblumen in der Natur kennenlernen möchten, dann schauen Sie doch immer mal wieder in mein Kursprogramm. Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter und seltene Orchideen kennenlernen auf einer aussichtsreichen Wanderung im Aargau. The current genus name Taraxacum derives possibly from the Arabic Tharakhchakon,[11] or from the Greek Tarraxos. Leontodon taraxacum: Other names i ›Taraxacum officinale F.H.Wigg. In contrast to the sexual diploids, the pairing of chromosomes at metaphase I in triploid apomicts is strongly reduced. Even though dandelion pollen is of poor nutritional quality for honey bees, they readily consume it, and it can be an important source of nutritional diversity in heavily managed monocultures such as that of blueberries. AUSGEBUCHT! The yellow flower heads lack receptacle bracts and all the flowers, which are called florets, are ligulate and bisexual. Wigg.) Mai 2021: Kräuterwanderung Tüllinger Hügel - blumenreiche, alte Kulturlandschaft bei Basel, 16. Lychnis dioica 2. up Vol. This species is a somewhat prolific seed producer, with 54 to 172 seeds produced per head, and a single plant can produce more than 5,000 seeds a year. Eine botanische  Entdeckungsreise mit Heilkräuterkunde am Stadtrand und am Hang des Goldenbergs. 2: 798 (1753). Was für eine Augenweide! Dies erklärt auch die enorme Formenvielfalt unter den ‚Löwenzähnen‘.“. Its blooms resemble some of the species of Sonchus, but are larger. Mai 2021: Kräuterwanderung ins Schwarzbubenland (Solothurn), 30. SOURCES. [37] The seeds remain viable in the seed bank for many years, with one study showing germination after nine years. Botanical vintage engraving of Leontodon taraxacum or common dandelium weed used as medical herb or in food preparation (dandelion wine).The yellow flowers turn in round balls dispersed with the wind known as blowballs Diese Kräuterwanderung findet an Auffahrt statt. Leontodon taraxacum: Latinský název Leontodon taraxacum má český význam 'smetánka lékařská'. Required Cookies & Technologies. [6][7][8][9] The name "blowball" has also been used.[10]. Während beim Gewöhnlichen Löwenzahn die Samen mit einem Stiel zum Schirmchen verbunden sind, sitzen die Schirmchen bei Leontodon direkt am Samen. [50], T. officinale's diuretic properties have been well described, with the leaves of this plant having been used for this purpose in traditional Chinese medicine for approximately 2,000 years, with other regions of the world using the plant in the same way; in French, a common name for T. officinale is pissenlit, 'a colorful description of its diuretic activity.' Pl. Another recipe using the plant is dandelion flower jam. Taraxacum officinale [edit] Familia: Asteraceae Subfamilia: Cichorioideae Tribus: Cichorieae Subtribus: Crepidinae Genus: Taraxacum Section: T. sect. | Alaska Natural Heritage Program", "The biology of Canadian weeds. The lanceolate shaped bractlets are in two series, with the apices acuminate in shape. Leptodon là một chi chim trong họ Accipitridae.. Các loài. Balsamita vulgaris 2. Leontodon taraxacoides belongs to the Flowering Plants group. 3 / 2014) vorgestellt, der Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie. Distribution Counties: Dieses interessante Phänomen der Apomixis bewirkt, dass jede Mutation sich 1:1 weitervererbt, da keine Chromosomen mit anderen „Löwenzähnern“ ausgetauscht werden. September 2021: Heilpflanzen-Anwendungen bei Hauterkrankungen und Wunden. Sie ist nicht zu verwechseln mit der verwandten Gattung Löwenzahn (Taraxacum), der der Gewöhnliche Löwenzahn angehört. Juli 2021: Kräuterwanderung Flusslandschaft Thurauen & Alter Rhein, 9. Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter, Alpenblumen und wilde Orchideen kennenlernen in einer faszinierenden Berglandschaft. Frühlingsexkursion in einer faszinierenden See- und Berglandschaft mit fast südländisch-mildem Klima. Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. Juni - 2. [31], Taraxacum officinale is native to Europe and Asia,[32] and was originally imported to America as a food crop. Compositae. Leontodon taraxacum L.; Leontodon taraxacum L. is a synonym of Taraxacum campylodes G.E.Haglund. Auf Bergwanderungen in Lenk im Simmental Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter, Alpenblumen und wilde Orchideen kennenlernen. Löwenzahn (Leontodon), auch Milchkraut oder Schaftlöwenzahn genannt, bildet eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Korbblütler (Asteraceae). Leontodon taraxacoides ssp. The stems can be glabrous or sparsely covered with short hairs. Close Dandelion flowers can be used to make dandelion wine, for which there are many recipes. It's been online since 1995, and is run by Henriette Kress, a herbalist in Helsinki, Finland. [54][verification needed], The Latin specific epithet officinale refers to the Latin word for 'medicinal' or 'of the apothecaries'. Leontodon taraxacum 2. Angiosperms. List of Lepidoptera that feed on dandelions, https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/202994/2758459, "Tropicos - Name - !Taraxacum officinale F.H. Gallery: Hayne 1805-37 und 1853-56. The fruits, called cypselae,[13] range in color from olive-green or olive-brown to straw-colored to grayish, they are oblanceoloid in shape and 2–3 mm (0.079–0.118 in) long with slender beaks. 14. longirostris lesser hawkbit Leontodon taraxacoides ssp. Juni 2021: Kräuterwanderung in Vals (Graubünden), 20. Taraxacum officinale, the common dandelion (often simply called "dandelion"), is a flowering herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae (Compositae). The Plants Database includes the following 2 subspecies of Leontodon taraxacoides . Lehrgang über 15mal 2 Tage ab Mai 2020 bis Februar 2022 für Berufsleute aus Pflege, Naturheilkunde, Medizin - mit beschränkten Plätzen auch für Interessierte ohne medizinische Grundlagen nach Klärungsgespräch. It is estimated that more than 97,000,000 seeds/hectare could be produced yearly by a dense stand of dandelions. Chronische Erkrankungen? Plants typically have 24 or 40 pairs of chromosomes, while some have 16 or 32 pairs. Juli 2021: Kräuterwanderungen in Mürren (Berner Oberland), 11. [12], The leaves are 5–45 cm (2.0–17.7 in) long and 1–10 cm (0.39–3.94 in) wide, and are oblanceolate, oblong, or obovate in shape, with the bases gradually narrowing to the petiole. Juni 2021: Kräuterwanderung auf der Rigi - botanische Entdeckungen am Südhang, 26. Alpen-Löwenzahn (= Leontodon montanus, Berg-Löwenzahn), Herbst-Löwenzahn (= Leontodon autumnalis, Herbst-Milchkraut), Gemeiner Löwenzahn (= Leontodon hispidus, Steifhaariges Milchkraut). is an unresolved name . Das beste Unterscheidungsmerkmal sind die Samenstände. Usually the young leaves and unopened buds are eaten raw in salads, while older leaves are cooked. The stems can be tinted purplish, they are upright or lax, and produce flower heads that are held as tall or taller than the foliage. [55], Taraxalisin is a serine proteinase found in the latex of dandelion roots. Heilpflanzen und Wildblumen kennenlernen auf einer Kräuterwanderung in Quinten am Walensee. [33] It is now naturalized throughout North America, southern Africa, South America, New Zealand, Australia, and India. Heilpflanzen und Wildkräuter kennenlernen in einer der schönsten Landschaften der Schweiz. [Cited as Taraxacum officinale.] [25] It is considered a noxious weed in some jurisdictions,[34] and is considered to be a nuisance in residential and recreational lawns in North America. Pl. The specific name officinalis refers to its value as a medicinal herb, and is derived from the word opificina, later officina, meaning a workshop or pharmacy. Mai 2021: Kräuterwanderung im Naturparadies Jeizinen - Gampel (Wallis), 11. BESCHREIBUNG Es fehlt nicht mehr viel und der Löwenzahn (Taraxacum) wird auch hier im Südschwarzwald die Berghänge mit berauschendem Gelb bedecken. Stems 1–10+, erect or ascending, sometimes ± purplish (usually equaling or surpassing leaves), glabrous or sparsely villous, slightly more so distally. Taraxacum officinale, the common dandelion[5] (often simply called "dandelion"), is a flowering herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae (Compositae). Juli 2021: Kräuterwanderung in der Alpenlandschaft Sunnbüel ob Kandersteg (Berner Oberland), 24. Leontodon taraxaci belongs to the Flowering Plants group. Copyright FOIA Privacy. Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter und Alpenblumen kennenlernen in einer faszinierenden Berglandschaft. Mai 2021: Kräuterwanderung in die Auenlandschaft "Petite Camargue" bei Basel, 23. Více informací naleznete v našem slovníku. NLM Support Center Accessibility Careers Acause o its diuretic naitur, the dentylion is aft cried pish-the-bed or … Chi này gồm 2 loài chim săn mồi kích thước trung bình (khoảng 400-600 gram) phân bố ở Trung và Nam Mỹ. Typification of Leontodon taraxacum L. (≡ Taraxacum officinale F.H. Löwenzahn (Taraxacum officinale) ist in der Phytotherapie als Bitterstoffpflanze bekannt und wird vor allem zur Förderung der Verdauung angewendet, zum Beispiel in Leber-Galle-Tees. "The Names of Plants". Catálogo de las plantes vasculares de Honduras. [26], The second group consists of polyploid (mostly triploid) apomicts, meaning that both a viable embryo as well as a functional endosperm is formed without prior fertilization. The 14–25 mm (0.55–0.98 in) wide involucres are green to dark green or brownish-green, with the tips dark gray or purplish. Juli 2021: Kräuterwanderung in die Alpenflora auf Melchsee-Frutt (Obwalden), 18. The plants introduced to North America are triploids that reproduce by obligate gametophytic apomixis[14][19] Some authorities recognize three subspecies of Taraxacum officinale including:[20][21], Two of them have been introduced and established in Alaska and the third (ssp. Dies deshalb, weil der attraktive gelb leuchtende Blütenstand aus sehr vielen Einzelblüten besteht, in diesem Fall werden ausschließlich sogenannte Zungenblüten ausgebildet. Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter und Alpenblumen kennenlernen in der faszinierenden Berglandschaft Chäserugg / Churfirsten im Toggenburg. Bild 05. [52], Yellow dye colors can be obtained from the flowers but little color can be obtained from the roots of the plant. IPNI nomenclature info for Leontodon … Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter und Alpenblumen entdecken und die fantastische Aussicht von der Rigi auf den Vierwaldstättersee und in die Alpen geniessen. The leaves (called dandelion greens) can be eaten cooked or raw in various forms, such as in soup or salad. These balls are usually called "clocks" in both British and American English. ceratophorum) is native there.[25]. April 2021: Heilpflanzen-Anwendungen in Onkologiepflege und Palliative Care, 1. The New Zealand Plant Conservation Network. However pairing is still sufficient to allow some recombination between homologous chromosomes. Mai 2021: Kräuterwanderung durch die "Toskana des Aargaus" über den Bözberg, 24. This name is unresolved.. Leontodon taraxacoides - SEARCH for plants. Espermatofitas: 1-1576. [42] Another plant, sometimes referred to as fall dandelion, is very similar to dandelion, but produces "yellow fields" later. Leontodon saxatilis in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. More Taxa Info; Guides; Places; Site Stats; Help; Video Tutorials; Log In or Sign Up They are probably closest in character to mustard greens. Juni 2020: Kräuterspaziergang Zürich Zürichberg (abends), 21. Reinhard Länger hat die traditionelle Heilpflanze in „Phytotherapie Austria“ (Nr. Juni 2020: Kräuterwanderung Höhenweg in Amden (Kanton St. Gallen), 22. Mai 2021: Kräuterwanderung in Quinten am Walensee - eine Entdeckungsreise in die "Riviera der Ostschweiz", 8. It occurs in all 50 states of the US and most Canadian provinces. (2008). The record derives from TICA (data supplied on 2012-02-11) which reports it as a synonym (record ADE11267-D77B-4672-A16C-C1FE5A635197) with original publication details: Sp. SERNA/Guaymuras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Mai 2019: Kräuterwanderung in Quinten am Walensee - eine Entdeckungsreise in die "Riviera der Ostschweiz" - Ausgebucht! Leontodon taraxacum var. The calyculi (the cuplike bracts that hold the florets) are composed of 12 to 18 segments: each segment is reflexed and sometimes glaucous. Gledhill, David (2008). pratensis All the information associated to this invalid name can be found on the page of the species or subspecies with the valid name Juli 2021: Kräuterwanderungen an der Lenk (Berner Oberland), 4. Status Synonym of Taraxacum officinale F.H.Wigg. Bild 03. [39][40] Honey bees have not been shown to lower their pollination activity on nearby fruit crops when foraging on dandelions. The seeds are also a common contaminant in crop and forage seeds. Mai 2021: Kräuterwanderung zu Heilpflanzen, Wildkräutern und seltenen Orchideen im Randen bei Schaffhausen, Ab 17./18. Ein untrügliches Erkennungsmerkmal für die ‚gewöhnlichen‘ Taraxacum-Sippen ist, dass die grünen Hüllblätter, die den Blütenstand umgeben, nach unten umgebogen sind.“, http://www.phytotherapie.co.at/pdf/PT0314.pdf. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for subspecies profiles. Taraxacum leontodon Gueldenst. Der Autor verweist auf eine Verwechslungsmöglichkeit mit der arzneilich nicht verwendeten Gattung Leontodon, die ebenfalls gelbblühende Asteraceen (Korbblütler) sind, und erläutert das wichtigste Unterscheidungsmerkmal: „Wenn Sie selbst sammeln wollen, sollten Sie nur auf die mögliche Verwechslung mit der Gattung Leontodon (wörtlich übersetzt ebenfalls Löwenzahn, um den Unterschied deutlich zu machen auch Leuenzahn) achten. 5. [Cited as Taraxacum officinale.] Eine botanische  Entdeckungsreise mit Heilkräuterkunde am Stadtrand  - mit Blick in die Ferne über Zürich und vielleicht sogar in die Berge. Taraxacum officinale L. (dandelion) is a vigorous weed in Europe with diploid sexual populations in the southern regions and partially overlapping populations of diploid sexuals and triploid or tetraploid apomicts in the central and northern regions. Juli 2021: Kräuterwanderung Lötschentaler Höhenweg (Wallis), 17. Gibbons, E. Stalking the Wild Asparagus. Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter, Alpenblumen und Orchideen kennenlernen auf Bergwanderungen in Mürren im Lauterbrunnental. Krebskranke oder Angehörige). Dandelion salad is often accompanied with hard-boiled eggs. Leontodon taraxacoides Finch & P. D. Sell [family COMPOSITAE] (stored under name); Verified by Data not digitized, Thrincia hispida Boiss. [18] ; Taraxacum leontodon Gueldenst. 117. Heilpflanzen, Wildkräuter und Alpenblumen kennenlernen in der faszinierenden Berglandschaft Sunnbüel ob Kandersteg (Berner Oberland).

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