fantasy magic system generator

Divine gifts are enchanted items (like swords, hats, necklaces, etc.) You can negotiate with them about services and prices, that is, if they listen to you at all. Maybe something with an eclipse? You could also INCREASE existing energy in an object (Eg- Can make a Moving ball move faster) Or you could DECREASE existing energy in an object (Eg- Can make a Moving ball slow down and even stop & become completely static). However, as we are all well aware humanity and its constructs are fragile things and some event happens that upsets the norm; war, a terrorist attack on these factories, solar flare, etc Regardless this event causes a change within these factories, the main computer systems get a little bit fried, perhaps even gain a modicum of self-awareness. Examples of rationality in spell design include: 1) Theres a spell for emitting light from ones wand (lumos, which is connected to the Latin word for light) and theres a spell for extinguishing your wand light (nox, which is literally the Latin word for night). Well, there is the Restricted Section, which includes books on the Dark Arts, I made a magical system right after I read this article and this is what I came up with: Magic is powered by emotion and certain emotions affect your environment in different ways. But that doesn't mean all magic systems work equally well for stories. Usually you can figure out if theyre alive, where they are, and how theyre doing; but its hard on your brain to process information for two people at once. This article will help you write a magic system for your fictional world that readers will remember long after theyve turned the last page. I will admit my system does need more development to round it out some. Divine magic is often more powerful/useful, but isnt always reliable. Paint is a very volatile substance that if held can burn off skin The way the magic of my world works so far goes as follows: Magic is based in blood, the eight types of magical blood found in fantastical creatures and humans (Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Mind, Body), and the way people gain magic is either by taking that blood from the creature or being born with it, so either a Linear or a Pureblood. Sometimes, as in the example I made, other natural processes, such as life and death (or decay) or day and night are added. Teleportation is hardest to work out, because it includes the idea that you can pull a body apart and put it back together without any consequences. Our physical universe is merely the extent that we can see with our mortal Perceptions limits. Stoking fires sounds like a natural fit. These are the 7 forms of energy this magic affects. And if so, is it because their culture is different and they learn to wield it in different ways, is it because they simply cannot wield it the same way due to biological differences or is it because they use different sources, like blood magic and magic pools? That will tell you what the Empire could have that the mages cant just conjure for themselves. And theres nothing less exciting than a story where the protagonists can escape from any danger just by wishing it away. However, this doesn't have to be the case, the hero might not be strong enough on his own, but with other fighters the combined power might be enough to defeat the villain as well. Fifty years after the war ends the younger generation make massive breakthroughs. If you follow this rule, readers will appreciate the awe and mystery of the magic without feeling like it cheapens the story. EASTERN THUNDERER, based off of Eastern dragons in design, likely chance of getting weak to strong Shocker magic, rare-ish to moderate chance of getting magic of another Type as well, Learns magic a bit more slowly than other races. There's a reason why I write about fantasy magic - magic is my most favourite thing! Ill be talking more about it in another post, if someone wants to here it, of course. I just replied to your last post, but about the different cultures have different ideas of what makes sense, the point about a rational system is that it must make sense to the reader. Generally that means their strengths and weaknesses will be roughly equivalent. Its important to note, that the Elements dont just represent their Physical Aspects, but also their Symbolic and Conceptual inferences as well (Through their Mental/Spiritual Aspects), for instance: Water is often associated with the concepts of Healing & Nourishment. Each time Harry, Ron, and Hermione find themselves in danger, they can only escape that danger using magic that weve already seen them learn. There is a certain logic to the magic in Harry Potter, too, but its never completely explained, because the magic only serves the purposes of the story. Since the universe as a whole tends towards entropy, where this world uniquely tends towards balance, fire doesnt always behave as expected), Water in its various forms (liquid, gaseous, solid; in redistribution it will always revert to its most common form in nature, that of liquid. Or just feel ridiculous. Is it connected to religion or religions of your world (since something based on the principle of good and bad [if you have to keep that, use evil instead of bad] should have a connection to religion)? The Goddess of Exchanges would be less random, but you wouldnt be able to reliably make exchanges with her. ;P. I doubt anyone will read this, but I had this flash of inspiration on my commute home today for a magic system for a book thats been spinning in my head for a while. Humanity loses control of the system, the factories start belching out nanites into the atmosphere, these new nanites containing instructions that are corrupted, missing a few bytes here and or even having added a few. Of course, I wasnt interested in my universe following all of the laws of physics in our universe. Yeah, I think your fabric metaphor works great. SWd6 System Generator. Luckily for the majority of the population of the Voden Imperium, the nanites are happy to sit mostly dormant, quietly replicating away. Late to the party, but I wonder what is your take on the magic system in Type-Moon franchises such as the Fate series and Tsukihime? Not that hard to extrapolate. That wall of gobbldygook was as far as i got (there were a few story bits though; going to one of the factories and contending with the burgeoning AIs, people with unflattering mutations being exiled or outright killed, fear of the outside and of the disease, the worry that the holy artifact gifted by the gods(the jammers) is growing dim, whatever). If you have multiple races, or even species, who can wield magic, are there any differences between the different races and species? There might be countless possibilities, but it will take countless years to figure it out. Limits then usually come from the strength of the effects (a limit to the area spells can target or the number of spells a mage can use before resting). Ive been working on a magic system in my head, but would like help on a few things. If an elemental mage can only use elements which are not opposite, they have to choose between the four elements when they start training. It is pretty lose, yea, but it is still there and we have seen magic systems like this a thousand times. Mother wont take kindly to that. It tries to convince the reader the newly defined rational magic system is what every fantasy writer should strive for. It doesnt have to make sense in our world, but in the world of the story, it does. Anyway, before I get onto the reply for this comment, Ill briefly reply to your other comment (the one which mentioned an alternate magic system for Harry Potter at the end, which I couldnt reply to in that comment thread). Im currently working on subtypes to it but I am miserably failing. : (Known collectively as the Nasuverse after their writer, Kinoko Nasu) Namely, by this articles definition of rational magic, would the magic in the Nasuverse count as an example of a rational magic system? Thank you for commenting! All benders in Avatar, safe for the Avatar themselves, can only control one element, one source of power. If travelling to the tower of the Dark Mage takes three weeks on horseback, there should be a good reason if you tell the reader the way back only took a couple of hours. But once characters learn about the spell to disarm and the spell to block, they cant extrapolate that theres also a spell to dodge. His thoughts compiled into a fortified plan to use his skills to accomplish it, without leaving his comfortable chair. Ive also seen your above comment. I think I mostly understand, but Im not exactly sure what Interferers cant an cant do. In addition, there are no boundaries on what magic could theoretically do in the Potterverse. But to elaborate a bit further The name Grey Death was inspired by the Bubonic Plague pandemic of the 1300s, known as the Black Death because, lets face it, thats a kickass name! Kristen Kieffer is a fantasy fiction writer and the author of Build Your Best Writing Life and Self-Publishing Simplified. The expeditions that have come back tell of fantastical landscapes, filled with mystic flora and fauna. And the whole thing about souls & vampires! For Light and Darkness, Shade will be their name. You need to place incense in a semi-circle in front of you, drink fresh blood, paint your face with the blood, and focus on the person youre looking for. Who will use magic: the protagonist (hard magic), or the antagonist / side characters (soft magic)? As bestselling author Brandon Sanderson explains, most magic systems can be classified as hard or soft in nature. Specific effects include communicating with others, working together as a group, and riding inside the minds of others. Give me your thoughts! Soft magic is vague, undefined, and enigmatic. Its not uncommon for people to have phantom sensations or memories weeks later. There are medieval books detailing how to pluck a mandrake from the ground because it was thought that they screamed when unearthed and could kill everyone who heard the scream. In your case, how exactly the will affects something: I would skip chemical energy though opens up too many things. Heres how this system might break down: A long list of constraints will make it much easier to craft conflicts in your story. There's a wide range of elements you can change to make your magic system unique, whether it's how it is wielded, what its source is or even what types of spells are used. Thank you Cay, for making me think more about what i want my theme to be. Readers could not have guessed that Harry might create something like a Patronus, so if it hadnt been explained in depth, using it at pivotal moments would have felt cheap. That would then explain why accidential magic can happen when someone is enraged or otherwise under emotional pressure its triggered subconsciously. Perhaps magic-users know what magic can be used for but are not concerned about why it works that way; for all we know, that could be the way most wizards and witches feel in Harry Potter. Im finding that my worldbuilding and plotting inform each other more in this story than others Ive worked on. By making sure magic has costs, you can force your protagonists to be clever and resourceful when they solve problems. Like this, the Avatar system makes it clear where the limits are, for everyone but the Avatar. Absorb Project Summon Dispel Protect Destroy Restore. Does the use of power exact a particular cost? Some people make a long-term contract with a particular spirit to channel its energy themselves, with the spirit becoming the casters familiar. Mother takes away the gift of sunlight and its heat and sends all of the water down upon the plants to punish them in their death. You could use something like that (being able to project and harness energy) to give your psychics telekinesis by them having those invisible arms. Which, of course, means someone could develop a force field to protect themselves from those arms.. The term magical effects refers to the ways in which magic influences and alters the world around it. Summoning rituals or teleportation spells for example, they too could change. However, you can mix pieces of magic plants and animals in a pot and get powerful effects. The problem would lie in too many types for an already-complex magic system. For more inspiration and guidance in creating your magic system, I recommend these articles and resources. Those that dont meet the selection criteria die screaming, but in a chosen few, the nanites alter and enhance their hosts, granting abilities that are perceived as mystical by the ignorant population which includes the majority of the Order of Mages themselves as generations of information suppression have led to them buying into their own lies, the truth being known only to the mysterious Council of Nine. The latter, sorcerers, actually do not have magic ability. In the first book, Ron doesnt know any troll-slaying spells, so he uses the Levitating Spell to knock out a mountain troll instead. Like species in our world evolved so did the magic in their world, with their ancestors using a specific type of magic and pased it down it just became a part of them. Take Noethers Theorem for example. Few ideas are original at this point. So the magic system is based on balance in nature. Once you master the flow of paint in your body you can change your appearance temporarily. Forms of magic include fire magic, light magic, healing magic, and transformation magic. a conspiracy to hide everyone selected (difficult to justify how they manage this). For now, Im thinking that the energy will be a 3D field spreaded around (basically, just a math function). Since the protagonists are on this side, it would remove a lot of tension. If they can do whatever they want with it, it sounds like conduits being a battery is the only real difference between them. (I wont deal with it here and now, as this reply is getting too long already and you never mentioned it in your comment). So you already know that unraveling a knot has the opposite effect as weaving one. What do the spirits get out of it? Paint can depend on someones mental state and will Hey! There is a set science about how magical techniques are performed, and knowing about the what and the how behind these techniques is important. Also, this is just an example: even if conservation of energy applies in my system, there are other things that could come up. There are pros and cons. Awesome, thanks! Another rare one is magic transference, my idea of that one is gaining an ability that an extinct race once used, examp. Another way to look at it is evolution. A cunning ex-adventurer named Wlfrilda seeks a company of adventurers to explore the Pikawas Jungle. I really like the distinction between on the one hand the rational-nonrational scale, on the other hand the hard-soft scale. Ive found this post while looking any information about making own magic system for an cRPG. I guess its similar in its outward effects to the Avatar magic system, but youll see that its actually quite different. But Chaos is discovered to still exist and actually controls the inner workings of our universe (similar to a pusdeo quantum physics where laws arent followed and anything can happen at anytime) This (called the Ether) rarely affects our natural world but when it does the laws of physics are broken in the form of magic. Prime / Mana worked a little differently, in that each rune slot had a certain number of Mana-Points that could be applied, up to a value equal to the Players skill/level. Practitioners are all female. The list includes a thug who burns pewter and becomes stronger; a tineye who burns tin and enhances their senses; a soother who burns brass and can calm others emotions; a seeker that burns bronze and can identify other magic works; and a smoker that blocks a seeker within a certain radius. The God of Parties, on the other hand, would be very chaotic. The Way of King s is one of the most renowned fantasy novels to date. Martin Magic System Rating: 1 (Because Magic) Martin is writing a purposeful deconstruction of epic fantasy tropesincluding magic systemsand has actually put some work into making his magic frustrating and inconsistent beyond a few broad-stroke rules (there's definitely some like-for-like business, with equivalent sacrifices needed to produce an . man to machine interfaces, nanites cluster on nerve ending allowed some individuals to easily interact with ancient tech, or even graft it into their bodies. In order to fully capitalise on paint one must find a weapon they work well with and a fight style that suits your body. Though some have tried since the beginning, it has been deemed impossible for a human to harness and redistribute sunlight. Fortunately it's not that hard to create a magic system, so this guide will be relatively short, but the amount of work you'll have to put into the creation of your magic will depend entirely on how detailed you want to get. Use attributes or abilities you would connect with angels or demons and make them sub-types of the magic in question. In The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb, practitioners of the Skill can communicate to each other telepathically. Hello to anybody that sees this. There's a wide variety of ways to wield magic, ranging from staves, wands and tomes to scrolls, artifacts and created objects and even which body part you use and how many (1 hand, 2 hands, eyes, entire body, etc.). Here we will get into seven different bases to help you create your unique magic system. If you want to go with something necromantic (as spectre and ghoul suggest), you might be able to find something more fitting in that area. Novice mages are taught how to bring out their mana to create energy bolts, shields, weapons, and constructs. There are a number of times during the series when Harry performs magic out of anger or fear. They can only work through people that do their will voluntarily. I have seen several people on StackExchange Worldbuilding, for instance, and commenters on the HPMOR fanfic, talk about how changing natural laws can cause problems and criticize many writers lack of thought about this. As a quick example, just think about how many movies and books reuse the theme of elemental magicfire, water, earth, and air. Stuff falls down, not up, for instance. There are, of course, drawbacks. Should I divide my Mages into sub-classes (similar to Sandersons Mistborn)?? Or you could think of the world like a house, a house has wood beams to hold the roof up, pipes to run water, electrical lines to power appliances, etc. but gods, spirits, and demons can. In The Locked Tomb trilogy by Tamsyn Muir, using magic exhausts necromancers, and causes some of them to bleed. You can have several sources of magic, but you need to bring them together in a way that makes sense at least in the novel. Since the MYTH adventures are all about dimension travelling, that is an important thing to know. Motion/kinetic energy: you stop an object in its tracks. Being able to gain power is generally an often picked choice for story telling, first the hero is unable to defeat the villain, but after training or some other form of power gain the hero becomes stronger than the villain. :). Oh! The system makes no sense so I cant possibly reason that theres a reversal of this! Drop us a line or let's stay in touch via : Subscribe for writing hacks, special offers and free stuff, 2023 - Orpheus Technology,, How to Build an Amazing Magic System for Your Fantasy Novel, Hard Magic Systems vs. Soft Magic Systems, How to Self-Edit Your Manuscript Like a Pro, How to Craft an Engaging Arc for Your Story, How to Use Deus Ex Machina like Stephen King, ProWritingAid or Grammarly? Weak to medium Hydro, very rare chance of getting weak Eco as well, Learns magic more easily than other races. Theyre more afraid of the death of their world than their own personal death, however. This could also link in nicely culture and tradition (festivals on summer or winter solace to celebrate the Mother). However, it had similar things to our universe, stars and planets and lifeforms that could look somewhat like ours, so it needed to follow most of them, at least, the ones that allowed for these things. Naturally, youll want a few people in your setting with powers that are unusual among magic workers. Look at the fight between Voldemort and Dumbledore in the fifth book/movie the one in the Ministry of Magic. Magicians draw on their inner energy, called mana, to cast spells and perform magical techniques. This is the first step in learning magic, for depending on what Primal theyre affiliated with, their magic may not be useful at all times (a Sun mages magic is severely weakened at night, and an Earth mage is practically useless out at sea) and they need to rely on their mana for defense and offense. And that should be all, if anyone can help me with the names of the entire concept, please do. And the way they fight has to do in part what magic they use. Now I think I covered everything, please comment, I accept anything you want to contribute, thank you. If you havent seen it yet, I also recommend looking at my other post on magic systems: its better suited to creating effects that are varied and complex. Different fighters prefer different methods, so combining the ideas could lead to a larger variety and possibly a richer world. Hey Ryan R Im still plugging away at it (when Life lets me anyway! There are roughly two magic systems. how would you define the users magical abilities)? As we dont seem to be focusing on that aspect much, however, I wont try to continue arguments about that part. The four elements are chemical states: solid (earth), liquid (water), gas (air), and plasma (fire). ): magical technology (uses the "uses of a spell casting focus/item" cost in addition to any others) fiendish/evil divine the far realm a mutation that is part of the users spirit-related natural limbo/the elemental planes unknown also just a thought, you also could have mentioned the Eragon series which uses language as the limitation for casting, and physical energy for fueling spells. You can either post it here or use the contact page. If youre curious about setting/technological era, itll take place in two time periods; one in what would be Victorian times in our world, one in WWII time period. If youll allow my humble but informed opinion. Ask yourself what sources will work well for the magical effects you want to use, and what sources will work well within the world you have created. Its been a tremendous influence on pop culture, especially conceptions of ghosts. Those are the things I thought about, let me know if it helped you improve! We know it takes more kinetic energy to move a big rock than a small rock, so we can imagine it requires more magical energy too. Its true that fire produces light; but any attempt to harness this light merely results in harnessing and redistributing heat, for the source of that light is not the sun, but the fire, and it is temporary and dies, restoring balance. However, most societies dont have the resources to crank out wizards. Our bills are paid by our wonderful patrons. I feel that doing so, would provide some much needed structure as I go through the worldbuilding process but Im worried that it could make my Mages feel less wizardy, and more like X-men? Ones that havent made many contracts and dont know much about human emotion yet will be much more objective. But it also refers to the effects of the nanite plague. Im going to have to find my Physical Science notes my goodness, that class was boring. Life is responsible for, well, life and health. Trying to do anything that involves pushing against or even breaking natural law will require aid from outside forces. Of course, there had to be some in-world lore and stuff to go with the system, but the system / idea in a nutshell, The idea, when broken down is comprised of: If I were you, I would make sure every complication you have is something thats important to you. Now, to those who contain their power. It wasnt meant to be a rational system (although the EU developed it into one and, no, Im not going into the midichlorian desaster), it was simple old-fashioned fairy-tale magic, the kind which does exactly what the heroes need it to do. A magical source is where the magic comes from. But here is the problem since those energies are not strictly relates to the non-magical substances, Im not quite clear how exactly my energies will affect characters. In some magic systems, gods or other powerful beings are the source of all magic. Forms of magic include water magic, healing magic, potion making, and purification. Talking of the wedding feast: Though thou get this, there is yet that which thou wilt not get. Avatar is, essentially, based on elemental magic which is the ability to control one or more elements. Pick just one source; Ill discuss how to add variety to your magic system in the next section. Ill be checking this site for updates everyday, so thank you in advance of letting me share my crazy idea with you all. If you want conservation of energy, you could show those who use specific powers, magical or psychic, having to replenish that energy in some way (through food, meditation, or something similar). Anyway, the original inspiration came when I read an article about the philosophy of mind which claimed that interactionist dualism (the idea that the mind is immaterial and the body is material, yet they interact) couldnt be true, with one reason given being that such an interaction would violate conservation of energy. There are clear limits of what they can do, and things like resurrection and time manipulation are some of these limitations. This is the name list Tolkien draws from at least for a couple of the Dwarven characters in The Hobbit. The mandrake has been considered magical, because its roots do look vaguely like a human being. There are over 1400 name generators, as well as many description generators, guides and various tools you might find helpful. If there are important mines in your world, for example, it might make sense for magic to come from metals. Your different factions have magic that feels very different, and thats hard to put into a rational system. Nevertheless, you will always introduce something which, as far as we know, does not exist in reality. Relocating energy (in telekinesis or telepathy) is, however, less of a problem than dissolving a body and recreating it at another place, to its not the same as full teleportation. Fast forward a couple thousand years and some genius manges to find a way to control paint by collecting it into a special bottle. If a person can wield both kinds of magic, do they influence the person? The Towers will 3 pairs of contrasting ideas. Decay would be speeding up entropy, life would be slowing it down or trying to instill some kind of anti-entropy into the world. Brought to you by Campfire Levi Johnson is a writer and content creator at Campfire. Mandrake, which is featured in the second book, has historically been associated with witchcraft. To keep your magic mysterious like in Game of Thrones, hide how it operates.

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