scorpio man virgo woman experience

When it comes to marriage, the best match for a Scorpio man is Virgo, Scorpio, Cancer, and Capricorn. I know this is pretty scattered but i dont like talking about things i personally have experienced. Here we will know more on the nature of the love relationship and compatibility . Scorpio mans self-confidence and his Virgo ladys self-sufficiency create a golden foundation for a good relationship. i have a scorp asc I read them easily too easy to read for me this scorp!> very emotional, great in bed, extremely jealous, and i have to agree one of my experience with one was phisical the guy wanted to choked me, he even showed me his fist once!. I clicked on the first article I found. Im a Virgo girl and my boyfriend is a Scorpio and we have a deep connection. Hello Everyone, And what of what loyalty she fkn gets me anytime I turn my back them wont talk about it and then makes it fault like well you shouldnt have been so nice to me then maybe I wouldnt have cheated bs, They always turn it back on you Im a Scorpio she a Virgo. I love how he makes me feel. Pauline, it sounds like the Scorpio man you were friends with couldnt make up his mind about whether or not to do more than like you as a friend. If you realized it sooner, please take an action to show ur love towards virgo girl and always be thr when virgo girl needed you. They have to tell other people its there nature. I told him I deserve commitment and im tired of the friendzone, with men. ZODIAC SIGN. I finally conceded after playing hard to get and we just hit it off everything went well and he seemed interested in what I had to say and he has this wonderful personality that is crazy and quite similar to mine. On the other hand, Virgo pays attention to details and admires perfection. But, I do have a Scorpio rising, which might help me a bit as I navigate this man. I had a fight with my scorp and of course he punished me by silent treatment for 5 days, this was typical of him. He wanted me to tell him all the time that where i am going and with whom, but he didnt shared a single thing to me, i didnt know anythning about his life, nothing. Not as intense as it was before, but at least she felt more in control head she knew we could work things out on my end with no anxiety one at a time. She will ask yourself how they . Virgo ladies, please take heed..if you have a Scorpio man in your life, you have the BEST thing this side of Heaven-literally! I have her boyfriends number but I never called him, I tried to return his visiting card to her but she refused she knows I wont do anything stupid. We all zodiac signs have a past either good bad or indifferent. Required fields are marked *. There are times I want to share my day or my issues with my Scorpio man but he can be very self-centered at times in which he would pretend he hears me but he honestly doesnt. The only positive thing I have to say about him is that he saved my ass with quick talking but thats it. The Virgo woman and Scorpio man can make a fantastic couple, especially for the long-run. So many virgo/sagg relationships. If they don't balance it out and satisfy each other's needs properly, it can lead to many problems. wtf is wrong w/you guys that you cant see how much you need to grow/change for the betterment of you and those around you, you work hard to protect us from others, but WHO PROTECTS US FROM YOU & your vindictive childish ways of payback?? I dated a Virgo for 2 years and she never let me in, she never fully trusted me even though i showed her my true self and wore my heart on my sleeve. I know I can be over the top sometimes because I am a Virgo woman ok lol. Would like to know more about virgo woman-scorpion man affair. We have to accept what is out partners flaws and instead of criticizing them, we should support them. They may be reserved at first, but as they open up to one another, this pair will likely discover that they can connect on an emotional and physical level. But ours lasted for 6 years. While the Virgo man is usually a more self-controlled emotional creature, the Scorpio woman has the power to teach the Virgo man many things. Compatibility for good luck: Medium. (So, I totally know how you feel Andrea! Your write up struck a chord when you talked about the loss of your Mother. & i am perfect Im a 28 year old Scorpio man. I ended up bumping into him at a club with a new guy I had taken interest in. You try to be friendly and good but if they dont get want they want they leave. Its like so crazy because this connection that I have with this mysterious, beautiful, genuine women is something that Ive never had and I am glad that I am going to spend the rest of my life with her. But being flawed is part of what makes everyone beautiful! 10 years is a long time, and you cant rush relationships just because you want to have children. You literally just said everything I was thinking trying to put it into words I am also with a Scorpio. one of the best, actually. So now we are in a good space. A Virgo woman will quickly establish a firm grip on the . I personally think that everyone has to look into themselves evolve. Blaming others for every mistake is just a childish way of getting out of it. Here is the secret to win us back and keep us from turning into a complete [emailprotected]$tard- Take a step BACK, let us know that you understand we feel BETRAYED, our imagination is one of the most deviant that exists on the planet and if we feel scorned we dont know how to comprehend in the moment. how would you like that? what defense do we have but LOVE, & even that GETS OLD! he he . I love him and he lovesme, i want him more than anything, and i would love to spend my ife with him. either way, as the rest of you virgo women know, I AM A CHAMELEON & STRONG ENOUGH TO SURVIVE!!! He makes out I am the bad one. In the beginning, he was very affectionate and compassionate, but lately the romance seems to have fizzled. We get each other, and we laugh, and we are not afraid with one another and honestly, this is magical. RUN! #13. This post reflects quite accurately my own experience with my Scorpio. lol but at the end of the day..we give eachother so much happiness. This Sign Is Known For Its, Uh, Prowess. I happened to meet someone else in an effort to forget about him. what if i want to be like you & hold a grudge? As a Virgo woman, Id like to say that this compatability post holds truth but needs to add a pound of salt to it. I believe my thought was, just another acquaintance that is passing through; probably waiting till they find someone or something they think will be a better way to pass their time. But she began to hang out with my group of friends more and more. Compatibility for wealth and family growth: Good. The Virgo woman im with already had a man when i started talking to her and was still with him after we had sex. I met my Scorpio man at work. Spread love and youll receive love. Wow.. We all zodiac signs make mistakes its life you plural life learn and grow. Bisexual. What a dirtbag.. What a dilemma you have there. This will remove confidence in the hearts of the people we love, we truly do clamp on with claws and sting till you are seared. Whats even more crazy is about 10 years ago I had a relationship with a bisexual Virgo girl and about 16 years ago I had a fling with a Virgo women who when I turned her marriage offer down went lesbian. New research shows 80% of scorpio woman dating a man and scorpio. Its been 2 years now. I had a rotten one, and most of my girlfriends have too! Gone just like that, after 2yrs, without a goodbye. wishing you the absolute best in love and relationships with good Scorps out there .. we are VERY intense and our depth is uncontrollably powerful when a woman is both in front of us and behind us (metaphorically), that means she leads at times with love and respect and follows at times with love and respect. The Virgo man and Scorpio woman are considered to be soulmates by the zodiac, but there are many things that a Scorpio woman has to offer the Virgo man. lets just say i have not forgotten what i saw now either, since i get no reciprocity now anyway, it has reared its ugly head & infuriated me. I observed this entry while surfing and I can say it is worth the time I spent on it. A Virgo woman likes to take her time in romantic matters. Oh yea. how was she to know if you did not tell her? I still loved him and I wanted him to marry me, for me to get him back i had no choice than to contacted [emailprotected] com to help me and he helped me to bring my lover back to me so we can continue our plan to be married. But if you are really genuine, grounded and humble person with a Good Heart above all..You are most likely to win over her..n let me tell you 1 more thing thatif you do get her..then automatically you would start feeling the most lucky guy on earth!! Your email address will not be published. We are extremely passionat and loving and most of us are not always scheming. Youre right, its BS, their excuses. There were no female friends till she came around, and to have a woman comfortable and confident enough with herself to hang out with a group of guys well lets just say she definitely had my attention from that point on. It feels like a landscape fraught with enemies for the Scorpio man. I find myself always wanting to be around him because i love the conversation he gives me. Ill eventually admit to her that Im head over heels in love with her.) We meet in October witch is right around the corner and I seem to be falling fast faster than I have before with any man and I was married for 5 years. Im Currently with a Virgo now. I was very taken aback by this revelation, and to some extent it left me feeling very uncomfortable with the friendship, to the point where I decided early this year that I must tell him I have no intimate feelings for him. He lets you be totally sexually expressed while feeling fully respected. they're both loyal; Virgo won't make Scorpio jealo. It's one of those that changes your life forever type of relationships. You are both feeling worried about finances and contracts, perhaps from some unresolved . I also went out with a Gemini they are boys that never grow up! He's a flexible earth sign while you're a stable water sign, but once the two of you lock in on a common goal, nothing can. No one should ever be abused in anyway. Even paid for my brake pads for $400. Dont ever get haughty or think you can manipulate that guy, hes born to fight oppression and youve started a silent war already with your tone of voice and body language. Every Virgo ive known has cheated on their partners numerous times. Both are conceited pricks with big egos so its no wonder theyre friends. This relationship is extremely compatible, about 80-90% of success. They bring out the liveliest stellar and most flamboyant rainbow out of their romance, walking side by side, and remaining close forever. He's an idealist and, in a way, so is she. I'm a Scorpio and I've dealt with 2 Virgo's. They lie a lot and cheat like it's a full time job. Ive been a guarded individual throughout the majority of my life thus far, because in the majority of my relationships Ive been burned. These are not necessarily impediments to a successful relationship if they are identified and discussed. Whenever I fell there wasnt anyone to help me and every time even without any strength I again stand up, well I dont want same thing happen to her, hahahaaaa It hurts. There is the Extrovert, then there is the Introvert. The match between a Scorpio man and a Virgo woman is strong in values, morality, and ideals, making a lovely marriage bond possible. All the same. Virgo And Scorpio's Sexual Compatibility. i have heard rude comments & then received an immediate apology, as if that helped, its been said now scorp! Yes Im a pisces with aries qualities too. he came back after 3 days, we are happily married now.. Virgo woman here, falling quickly for a Scorpio man. According to Farrar, Scorpio isn't all bad for Leo, but they can be a bit more toxic for them than Taurus. They are compulsive pathological liars, and have an addictive, self destructive personality. This scorpio man loved me so much that, even after all that had happened, he gave me the choice to go back to the other man and hed still be here if i needed him. In contrast, the Scorpios will have consistently transformed their values through their emotional experiences in life. I am a virgo woman who was with a Scorpio man. We compromise. My scorpio man and I have a bit of a long history We first met in 2005 and it was indescribable!! Whats a safe time to wait before contacting, even if just asking to catch up? He is a very loving and loyal guy, going to such lengths as to ride his bike hours to come see. Thats why they came up with the term man cave. We men need it. be true to your hearts. Sometimes things should just be. I am crazy about her. He changes things up quite frequently, which makes for a very exciting sexual partner. Here, there is a fit, and a harmony. Scorpios and Virgos can be secretive..its in our nature but we must Open up to one another if we want something desirable. What to do, what to do? I have been bothered by recent developmemts, and decided to google the compatibility of a Virgo woman and Scorpio man. Now i am feeling lost and hurt. According to astrologer Kristina Semos, the scorpion is notoriously sex-obsessed, while the Virgin . DXPNET. Blackenedbones 7 mo. I am with a scorpio guy and it already looks like we are fated. I didnt intend for that to happen, in fact that was the last thing I wanted, but it happened. Virgo and Scorpio are very compatible., This is for Didi,you can get the information from the birth chart.There r so many of them.You can try the free one at I hope this helped someone out there. I see that there is a lot of talk about unevolved and evolved Scorpios but barely any talk of the other Zodiacs having that distinction. But she says she loves Nik. The best thing for us to do is not argue because its never really anything huge to be arguing about. it saddens me, b/c i have given my all & i feel persecuted & i have lost a great deal of respect for you. They're considered one of the best, if not the best men for a Virgo female. Somehow we understand the other. I just want to say thank you for giving such a great insight into the Scorpio mind set! My scorp would constantly punish me, whenever i upset him or we had a fight, he would abandon me and our relationship for days and disappear without a word! Also that I dont have time for men that dont know what they want. But He showered me with gifts and says He loved me and asked me to marry him! But if she keeps talking to him he cant rebuild. It seems wrong. Especially if they are determined to get you back!) another common thing is that they are extremist, obesssive, compulsive and abusive. I dont usually comment on posts but this one i had to , im a young virgo female 19 september 21st 1994 .. and have been with a scorpio male for almost two years now he was born november 9th 1989, I wanted to say that some of the things that people have been saying on here are true.. and some of its not .. , You cant sit there and assume that scorpio males are horrible or virgo females are horrible .. and just because you got a rotten one does not mean every single scorpio male is like that, I find that living with the man of my dreams right now is the best thing i could have ever done he has saved me from so much.. He waited for me to come back around, almost as if he knew, even though he tells me he never thought hed see the day that id be back in his life. For him lust is love.Dey just knw hw 2 use u and play wid ur emotions. I have met my soulmate and I think its because we were friends all those years before we decided to get into a romantic relationship. Except Virgo from above. She would say she was a full lesbian and that she never had a meaningful relationship with a man. i am a virgo women who has just started dating a virgo man, the moment i saw him my body gravitates towards him. I saw him up the road and He went out of his way to walk right past me no word. They deeply respect, love and cherish one another. Hes so loveable and passionate about our relationship, he will do ANYTHING to make it work. So fucking true. I feel as if I just grasp the hands of that elusive lady named destiny if only with just my fingertips when I think about her but do I stay or let this one go? Although they can always see the potential in others, they can also be overcritical and picky. Its like even though we were apart, our love was always there for each other. They are very complicated. Hang in there, and dont let one experience ruin a chance at happiness. Lo and behold: the day after that he inboxes me on FB saying he has been thinking about me. But he's a scorpio man who will at times be more than any other dating a cancer, movies ever. We dont have to say the words, we just know. This goes MILES with us. I tried having her virgo stop having such a negative out look on her Virgo past. But I believe Ive given a decent glimpse into, at the very least, this mans rambling Scorpio mind. Just the other day she Virgo told me not to communicate with her Virgo anymore. Characteristics of a Taurus Woman. If you should get involved with another one. I wasnt initially going to let her back into my life so easily, but after some soul searching of which I still have so much more to do I realize that if I miss her, or any of my friends, I should probably be more open to them. Im great with strategy and organization its why as Virgos most of us are empaths and great in management, customer service, teaching, healing and 100 other things I could name. I have to say he is slowly but surely getting under my skin, in a good way of course! Virgo should also be open to trying some of the exciting ideas that Scorpio has for this relationship between Scorpio and Virgo if she doesn't want him to get bored easily. I know Virgette but I cant help feeling vindictive nad spiteful I know in the end it wont help but I think it would make me feel so much better. @ Mary-Anne: I agree with Virgette NEEEXT is the right word form him. He was very quick to ask me to be his girlfriend a little while later, and though my cautious virgo mind was hesitant I gave in to my heart and said yes, although Ive kept my heart guarded for a while; opening up little by little. hes not hes just a typical scorpio male seeking warmth passion and intimacy, If Virgo woman would first rather point out that scorpio is not perfect ..and discuss that point first, scorpio will listen but yes will accept the same in return , If this cannot happen scorpio male may feel discontent and again become distant and therefore appear to virgo as though he cannot be trusted he is a scorpio male and before long warmth and intimacy will be offered elsewhere and virgos suspicions may become a self fulfilling prophecy this may then appear to confirm virgos suspicions and hence. Yes, things with a Scorpio man can/will get complicated but the best thing about that is he will go out of his was to resolve the issue. Advice dont tell a Virgo anything private. Their intuitive understanding of one another and loyal support is their strongest link. The acknowledgements go miles and pay dividends! Sex for this man is an . He was so sweet, caring, charming and affectionate. Thanks Mel it helps what you said. I am a scorpio and feel head over heels for my Virgo female and all she ever done was run from me scorpio. Pob 485, scorpio man is a virgo woman scorpio, this is a middle-aged woman and aquarius. I will be married to my Scorpio man 11 yrs Oct 17,2010.He was AMAZING when we dated gentle ,sweet, kind, soon as we married on our wedding night he started mentally abusing me never constimated marriage til 18 hrs later his choice not mine!!! we are not mind readers or psychics either! I guess its all a part of learning as a couple. For both the Scorpio woman and the Virgo man, material well-being is very important. Anything worth having is worth the work and Dont make someone your Priority when you ARE just a nother Option. Therefore if I come across arrogant or humble means nothing to me it is just a means to an end. Yea the new partner may not be perfect . I have many Scorpio friends and most of them male. I apologize. Was I scared because maybe deep down Id known that I could really love and be loved by this man? Virgo and Taurus. I said dont blame it on me. In front of boyfriends I do care about how I present myself so making me look stupid in front of them is a good way to make me greatly dislike you. I cant say that she will come back to you and that you should wait. Man, that was long! the Virgo woman is the perfect jungian archetype for a scorpio man. And after that, he got number of a friend of mine and started talking to her, he wanted to meet her ASAP, when i asked him about this, he just said, there is no reason. Through all her Virgo adventures or trips I scorpio have been loyal honest and did nothing but try to comfort her Virgo. My Scorpio is very loving, caring, smart, strong, loyal, dependable and a true leader! PLEASE LADY DONT WASTE YOUR TIME! In the end, it is pretty easy, even if we have our moods and our moments. The relationship between a Scorpio man and a Virgo woman is enigmatic. The problem is that I am a very independent Virgo woman (early 40s) who loves intellectual conversations. He will do whatever to satisfy Virgo because he is exactly knew what is inside Virgo not just because of the sex. To all you Virgo females is it just me scorpio male who fell flat or short of my luck with her Virgo or is it the Virgo female cuz virgos stay stuck like chuck on bad past experiences and dont give a true lovely likable lovable caring nurturing compassionate non judgmental scorpio a fighting chance. Visitor experiences and scorpio woman. He is one person who loves luxury and comforts immensely. He fixes my car too he is a mechanic. I have a sense of peace with my Scorpio that Ive not had with the others. huh? Scorpio Woman and Scorpio Man Zodiac Compatibility, Obsession, Love Compatibility, Relationship Compatibility, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. Tell us HOW what you want would make you feel, let us know that things we do bring you closer to us and that it helps you feel PROTECTED and taken care of. Virgos are intelligent and sharp. ; As a mutable sign, a Virgo can tailor themselves to different situations in life as long as they can analyze the situation . The only arguments are silly ones that end quickly and anything serious is always talked about after we both cool down, as both Virgo and Scorpio are a bit hot headed too! Many of you are spot on about scorps! Virgos are efficient, reliable, good at communicating, and good at getting the job done. It seems that i am just getting to learn this man after 17 years. Ive had a therapist for 7 years whom I talk to every week, to evolve myself as a man. Wow Mary-Anne, one word for you REVENGE!!!!! But the truth is, I cant explain why we cant just get away from each other. Judith's insights on the scorpio man and the dating a reasonable sign. And i loved it all. I know there are things hes keeping to himself, but Im not tripping b/c we just started dating less than a month ago. No need for revenge. And have you and another girlfiend or a wife! and we can really stir up a grand meal in the kitchen. Texting, to me, is preferred over calling, because when I talk to my family and friends I dont want other people around me. Whereas the way of communicating seems to be all important to the virgo. I digress; I find so much in my life uncertain now. It just seems unfair. We think that because we can control our appearance were then in control, but thats just not the case. Im scorpio with a virgo girl. When we recluse into a shell, watch out, we are planning a move, it is like a dog who is freaked out and slightly snarles in the corner when you approach it. Cancer June 21 - July 22; Leo July 23 - Aug 22; Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22; Libra Sept 23 - Oct 22; Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21; Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21; Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19; Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb . That sounds strange, I suppose, and Im not lost in romantic blather, but it is what I feel. Virgo and Scorpio can make a balanced and loving couple. Being the sign of perfection, Virgos have a tendency to break up with partners in a very noble way without . I love her for that. I am a scorpio man and I admit to most of the faults that were given in the above posts. I knew I was drawn to her personality the second I heard her friendly/confident voice conversing with someone outside my my office door. Its a constant battle between wits, facts, and emotions. The Virgo Zodiac. i ATTRACTED them like bee to honey!. The Scorpio man's charisma and magnetic charm explode into a shower of sparks in the bedroom. i dont care if he leaves, ive been praying for an out if thats what God wants to happen, let it happen, i cant understand ths man and im tired of trying to be perfect! I would have killed him if i were you. It isnt pretty but we are loyal and trusting to a fault so: Offer a hand out and DONT take responsiblity if it really isnt your responsibility instead, comfort us, give us that space. I hope he would come talk to me again because I knew he is the right man for me.. BDW age doesnt matter too because Im 27 and he is 24. When talking about this, he told me that his actions are what speaks for him, not always his words. Help me!!!!! Hardly. What a scumbag. Stop over analyzing the situation and put EVERYTHING on the table. Sometimes we struggle with these stupid feelings and it is retarded how quickly we get hurt (seriously, it feels quite unmanly). When my Virgo would do something to piss me off badly enough i would take some alone time. Im going to attempt to shed a little light past what @ Seth said. But, if he is not, Ive learned something about love and what it is that I want in my life. This is a good pair, Im with a virgo girl and im a scorpio we loving it. We clash and we cmploment each other. Thank you so much for sharing these insights about the beautiful Scorpio man, Having been with a Virgo woman 10yrs i can say i know why a virgo would think we are manipulative dark deceitful etc . nothing to correct He is secretive, loving, caring, mysterious, egotistical, mean and i can go on and on.with all that said I am confused sometimes as to his intentions. The BEST!!! The twelfth sign of the zodiac, Pisces, is understanding, intuitive, artistic, and sympathetic. RUN! She rivals Scorpio's strong will, and has no problem asserting her dominance when needed. @VeryVirgo911 I feel the same exact wayits really amazingweve been together for about 6 months. I cant imagine life without him! To me, its worth the effort and the work you must put into ANY relationship to make it work. He used to call all the time, shared everything with me, was romantic,possesive, jealous. With their Quiet, analytical and intuitive mind they themselves appear to be enough mysterious to many guys (scorp is not an exception to Somehow even i have felt that Virgo women are really one of the most desirable of all the zodiacs..Discriminating an Level-headed always is what sets them apart from others..And i appreciate your analysis of female signs of zodiacs..where Virgo not only radiates beauty / grace but also charms with her sensible / grounded traits!! First thing I believe and know for myself and many of my Exrtrovered Scorp Friends: We want to love and give deep, create passion and be the most amazing man for the woman we love and care for. The passion for knowledge that Virgos and . She is also known to have a higher level of passion . Check out these 4 zodiac signs who tend to make a classy exit after a breakup. That couldnt me more true. Rich woman looking for older man & younger woman. LOVE, TRUST, RESPECT, and LOYALTY in that order. Were far from perfect, we both have a lot to learn, and we both have a lot of growing to do. Unfortunately, there are women out there who do not find that desirable. If you had a bad experience with a Scropio once, and you meet another who feels right, trust your instinct. The Scorpio man is a wholly different creature once he surrenders to trust. Earth signs are stable emotionally.

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