west coast offense passing concepts

%PDF-1.2 % There are players that play close to the ball and others that play further away. The quarterback looks to take advantage of precise route running by the receivers to complete short, horizontal passes, allowing receivers to make plays after the catch for extra yardage. Oct 15, 2020. 0000001747 00000 n The first number indicates the type of backfield action/movement the backs will take, and the basic type of protection. 500: Gap protection: The O-line steps to the back-side/away from the call and protects the gap. Due to its quick horizontal passes, the defense cant crowd the line of scrimmage, leading to linebackers playing in coverage against the quicker wide receivers. On all play actions, if the faking back sees their primary blocking assignment blitz, they come off the fake immediately to make the block. Bill Walsh is quoted as saying, This type of pass is designed specifically to develop and take advantage of a defensive conflict. The quarterback looks to throw to the receiver once he makes his break towards the side line. 17+ Basketball Games for Kids The Ultimate List. Timing passes with alerts and checkdowns if the post snap read is bad or different. Default rules tell backs in protection if their defenders do not blitz (no dog), they release. While there may be some deep throws made downfield, the focus is on quick and short passes that have a high chance of completion. The weak-side back free releases, while the strong back check-releases to the weak-side. link to 17+ Basketball Games for Kids The Ultimate List, link to What Is a Secondary in Football? 20/21, 22/23: Basic split-flow rules as described above. The former Minnesota Vikings offensive coordinator was given the 21st-ranked offense in 2019, according to EPA per play, and improved the unit all the way to 10th. On 300, the slide goes away from the call. This concept is effective against Cover 2 zone coverage, as well as Cover 3 and Cover 4 coverages. Tanks were introduced in WWI to support infantry as they charged across no-mans land, and planes were used for reconnaissance, and to drop bombs over enemy strong-points in the trenches and cities. An offensive player is assigned two defenders to block. When Brown was at Cincinnati, he had a QB coach named Bill Walsh, who would go on to set the gold standard for modern offensive schemes in the NFL with the 49ers in the 1980s. Trap and toss plays from an offset back at 4-5 yards. Backs free release and both TEs block the OLB/OLB-area to their side. A West Coast staple passing concept is called Texas. For clips of this version of the concept try here and here. The West Coast offense does the exact opposite. You can hear QBs in the NFL today calling this exact protection, with these exact terms. This is necessary, because both backs are going strong-side, giving the O-line no potential help to the weak-side. 55 is TE left, so we Rip). The idea of the Snag passing concept is to horizontal stretch the defense by creating three on two isolation. The back to the strong-side scats and the strong guard/uncovered lineman scat protects. Please, The West Coast Offense Walsh used primarily relies on numbers to call pass protections. The Ultimate Guide, How Much Do NHL Refs Make? Play action means the offense will fake a run, then throw a pass. Understanding the West Coast offense is more complex than simply knowing that it emphasizes the short passing game. If that defender does not blitz (no dog), they then look to block the outside defender. 86/87: Scat protection strong-side with both backs free releasing. The quarterbacks dropback is critical to the timing of the offense, so defenses have targeted this element in an attempt to disrupt the offensive scheme. Another difference is that the West Coast system looks to make quick passes across the middle of the field, but the Spread looks to spread the defense out across the whole field and uses vertical routes just as much as horizontal routes. The second number indicates the specific type of protection/modification within that series. Outstanding breakdown. If no one comes, the lineman assists to their side, or picks up any garbage they happen to see coming through. Air raid is a spread passing attack looking to throw the ball to 5 playmakers in space using triangle reads. And When to Call Them, What Is a Tight End in Football? Swap: When there are two backs in the backfield, they essentially cross each other off the snap. However, since both backs are going away from the TE off the snap (weak flow), the TE is now check-releasing by default on all 70s plays, primarily to block the OLB to their side. Kaepernick has been running a West Coast offense for the entirety of his NFL career. Walshs terminology talks in terms of halfbacks and fullbacks, but I am using weak and strong back so its more fluid across systems and more modern formations. In the E-P system, there are no requirements, except for a competent quarterback. Walsh ended up winning three Super Bowls utilizing the West Coast offense and was named the NFL Coach of the Year in 1981 and the NFC Coach of the Year in 1984. The Double Dig has two receivers running dig routes to the same side of the field. Walsh then added more layers by sending players in motion to create mismatches and used the passing game to set the tempo of the game. The quarterback is looking to see what the defense gives him and looks to take advantage of it. The most basic formation is to have a quarterback in the backfield with a running back and full back split to either side of him. Answer 1 of 17: Hi all, thanks to previous posts I have been able to understand quite a bit about the trains and connections in Frankfurt- but I would like advice on the following: I will be in Frankfurt from Aug 31-Sept 5 and would like to do a few day trips. The Shanahan offense is derived from the West Coast offense made famous by Bill Walsh. In the 1970's, Darrel "Mouse" Davis began having tremendous success with the offense at Portland . Slide Protection: This one can get a little complicated, so take your time. When the backs release, the faking back who is more inside will break to the inside, and the back protecting outside will release outside. The West Coast offense was one of the most revolutionary offenses when it first hit the scene. While its similar, the Spread doesnt rely on timing as heavily as the West Coast system, but rather on creating holes across the defense to be taken advantage of. SD @weeklyspiral 13.7 K views A popular run concept in the West Coast offense is the draw. In 1969, the Bengals had a rising superstar in rookie quarterback Greg Cook, but in week 3 Cook tore his rotator cuff. His offense became one of the few not using the power running game as the focus through the 1980s and 1990s. They release if the ILB does not blitz. Coach Walsh went on to say, I truly believe it is the single best tool available to take advantage of a disciplined defense., Utilizes pre-snap motions to generate match-up issues and confusion with the defense. There are always 22 football players on the field at once and they all have their own specialized roles. The Spacing is quick passing concept that has three receivers running a three route combo. The schemes are often based in West Coast or Air Coryell concepts, but incorporate a lot more options in the run game, quarterback reads are minimized, and routes are simplified. If the OLB blitzes, the back then becomes the hot receiver, and replaces the OLBs position to get open. If the cornerback (flat defender) sits on the receiver running the low read, then the receiver running the high read will be open. Your backs and TEs protect the OLBs. Play action is where the offense fakes a run in an attempt to make the defense react to the run, then uses the quarterback to roll out and pass to a receiver running down the field. The West Coast Offense Walsh used primarily relies on numbers to call pass protections. Developing the West Coast Offense Walsh's "nickel-and-dime" offense was one that relied heavily on a method, ball-control passing game that utilized the backs and tight ends as primary. This formation allows the offense to potentially have five pass catchers on the field and hopefully create a mismatch for the offense. I don't have status on either airline and have a 5 hour layover in Fra for a Fra-Dulles flight. The WCO can be installed at a lower level of football with 10-15 core pass plays and 5-6 core running plays. Rip/Liz to the strong-side only. Slide protection away from the call with a cross-action/misdirection backfield or run fake. The call in the huddle could be "Jet Dart 368 Y-Flat Train on one." So 416 means theyre faking a 16 run play and using 400 protection. Offensive Install 2021. A Guide to How They Work, What Are Audibles in Football? The back faking with the QB attacks the inside A-gap (between center and guard) and check releases reading Mike to Sam linebacker, and the non-faking back attacks the B-gap and check-releases reading Sam to the next outside threat. X's O's Football is not affiliated or associated with EA Sports, the NFL, or their license. Stay means a back or tight-end does not release (they block for the whole play). The Choice route gives the receiver the option of running one of two or one of three pass routes. For each play, there is a certain number of steps for the quarterbacks drop back. Below is an image of the drop-back pocket-protection summary from the playbook: Popularly known today as half-slide protection all 2/3-Jet plays are slide protection with one back (always a 6-man protection). The login page will open in a new tab. The goal was to get these pass catchers the ball in space as they ran across the middle of the field to allow them to make plays after the catch for extra yardage. Listed below are player roles and the qualities they need to have to be successful. To the left side (or weak-side/back-side), the offensive line will slide. This article does NOT cover all the pass pro terminology in this playbook, but it covers all the basics. By BJ . The QB takes a 5-step drop, and the protection becomes slide protection (in other version of the WCO, you see 200/300 as both slide protection, and a 3-step drop). In terms of protection, scat indicates that the side a back free releases to calls for the offensive guard, or uncovered lineman to that side to double-read the the linebackers to that side. Some team's may refer to it as the triangle. From Bill Walsh's San Francisco 49ers juggernaut, to Brigham Young University's record-smashing Cougars, to the 1997 Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers, this passing attack is a proven winner. The Smash concept creates a high-low read that attacks Cover 2s biggest weakness, the deep outside halves of the field near both sidelines. There are two similar but distinct offensive strategic systems that are commonly referred to as "West Coast offenses". Every NFL team's offensive scheme, illustrated and explained - Washington Post From run-pass options to the West Coast offense: Breaking down all 32 offensive schemes in the NFL. The West Coast Offense provided a blue-print for the modern offensive game in the NFL, primary with its flexibility of various pass protections. Rip(Right)/Liz(Left): The back on the side called check releases on the inside linebacker to that side. The original West Coast Offense of Sid Gillman uses some of the same principles (pass to establish the run, quarterback throws to timed spots), but offensive formations are generally less complicated with more wideouts and motion. Lastly, this means that The Catch came from this philosophy as well. Slide protection to the weak-side (away from TE). means all backs and tight-ends release, and the protection always becomes pocket protection (so if slide was called, max turns it into pocket protection). 0000004677 00000 n We know that on first down our ball-control passing is vital. There will be two wide receivers on the line of scrimmage on either side of the field. The weak back and guard double read ILB to OLB to the weak side, and the back check-releases vs. no blitz. No more boring Sundays, everyone can enjoy football! Romo will turn out to be an all time announcer for CBS. Since the West Coast system has so many pass catchers on the field, when a defensive player blitzes, the quarterback just needs to find the open, unguarded player. Backs free release and both TEs block the OLB/OLB-area to their side. Hitch is a quick that has a receiver running short curl that allows the quarterback to throw a safe pass for an easy complete. the diagram below. Before the West Coast Offense and other pass-first systems, the forward pass was used as a compliment to the running game. In both protections, the default rule for all running-backs and tight-ends is to execute an assignment called check-release, which means they are assigned to a defender (or two), and if that defender blitzes (blitz is called dog in the playbook), they block them. West Coast passing concepts are designed for efficiency, stretching defenses horizontally. 55 is TE left, so we Rip). Cornerbacks can take advantage of this by playing underneath the receiver or looking to jump the passing lanes to beat the receiver to where the ball is being thrown. First, our offense uses "precision-timed passing, variable formations, and the exploitation of each player's skills" (quote by Bill Walsh) to attack the opposition. 0000002771 00000 n Concepts Efficient language. With all of this success, Reid has passed his knowledge to his assistants who have gone on to be successful NFL coaches in their own right. The Mills (Anchor) passing concept is designed to get a to bite on the dig route, allowing for the receiver running the post to get behind him for big play. The inner most receiver runs a flat route. 280 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 282 /H [ 712 738 ] /L 680989 /E 4908 /N 67 /T 675270 >> endobj xref 280 11 0000000016 00000 n understanding the concepts behind our basic run and pass schemes is essential. The West Coast offense is a fast-paced system that relies on short and quick throws to sure-handed receivers who run precise horizontal routes. For West Coast teams that love to use quick-hitting pass plays to move the chains, the POP play is a God-send for how it integrates what that team has to spend practice time on. One of the biggest drawbacks in the West Coast and Air Coryell offenses are their elongated play calls. Walsh's original West Coast offense was built around Joe Montana's specific strengths and the players he had to work with. When you run pocket protection, the uncovered lineman to each side double-reads ILB to OLB to that side. 2019 X's O's Football. Both can be a hot receiver. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This makes it a quick pass, where the line and backs will block aggressively and hold the defense at the line of scrimmage. The West Coast roots come from an under-center, quick, methodical passing game. This pass route is highly effective against man coverage providing the receiver has move speed than the defender covering him.

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