why is "drumming" spiritually important to the yoruba?

It is one thing to mimic the virtuosity of others and a completely different thing to create your own virtuosity. From your constantly beating heart to the rhythm of your breath to the rhythm of brainwaves to the rhythm of your walking, just for startersyou cant help being full of rhythm. What is DRUMS from HEAVEN? I even use shamanic drumming in my sound healing sessions because it opens the heart chakra. Explore upcoming programs led by Kripalu faculty and expert presenters on topics ranging from yoga to societal and personal transformation. Finally, drumming can induce a natural high by increasing Alpha brain waves. Sometimes I brought my vintage p.a. It's a huge advantage to have, whether you're starting a solo project or putting demos together to take to a band. An underlying force in life. Its awesome and one of my absolute favorite things in life. THAT IS WONDERFUL. As such, Alpha waves can also produce feelings of well-being and even euphoria, which may help people who suffer from mental illness, such as depression and anxiety. HI Irene, I am so inspired by this post. Shamans used drumming as a means of reaching an altered or trance-like state so that they can connect with the spirit dimension. 3. The Thundergods of Portland inspires me. I hadnt realized ex-cons were benefitting from hand drumming too, but why not? Central Virginia, USA. I love what I do!! If you use netting, make sure it is taut and set at least 3 inches from the siding to avoid birds pecking through it. Drums have been used in every culture for many purposes from religious rituals and other ceremonies, to sporting events, and as a way to communicate or signal. I am about to release a set of workshops I have developed focused on using hand drumming circles to help kids with ASD. Okay, so Yoyoka Soma took off in popularity a couple of years ago. The drums can be both musical instruments and works of art, sculptural forms that are often decorated in a resplendent manner suited to their . So I would say, it has NOTHING to do with your age. Your email address will not be published. Hurricane Katrina blasted through Louisianna and other southern states causing horrifying damage and loss of life. Thanks for taking the time to share the benefits of drumming with us! WONDERFUL. By accident, through a drum massage for chronic pain issues from Cyndi Boot from (www.rhythmicmemory.com), my ear opened up and I have been hearing from that ear ever since. The sharing of traditional knowledge, including drumming and drum making, is done through the passing of teachings from knowledge keeper to learner. The therapeutic effects of our programs touch lives on so many levels and we are blessed to drum every day. You would certainly be welcome, this is a group of wondrous women. Again, this is extremely rare. The basic rock beat is 4/4, so you count 1-2-3-4. I will share this post with my Facebook friends. You could play a wind instrument and sing in sequence. I hope this gives you a little insight into drum therapy. As for bass, guitar, or keyboard -- it's all about multitasking. I began hand drumming in a drum circle after toxic mold exposure turned my life upside down with chronic fatigue, insomnia and numerous other health deficits. Its never too late to do anything. My life was very short of like minded people until then. Then she entered the Hit Like A Girl international drumming contest in 2018 at age eight. Research grants if your area. First Sound Workshops (facebook). The class was held back to finish their math, although one student from the class that was on the spectrum got to come in. Drum circles have come a long way over the last 20 years. In fact this is my only form of income. My skills on actual drums are on par..when im beaming Im double speed but even at a normal level my hands get extremely fast but its all about the groove. I didnt know what it was all about at first. For those of us who have experienced a drum circle we know the rewarding feeling we all get when we participate. You're not in your head . I visit peoples horses and drum fro them in the UK. It makes a world of different. Plan Your Spring Retreat > | View On Campus FAQs > | Donate Today >. I never knew that drumming can induce a natural high by giving your brain a lot of alpha waves. Or when we need the support of others during trying times. When I bust out on the practice pad my hands get super quick. African drums have played an important role in in traditional African communities for communication purposes like emergency meetings, announcing war, the beginning and finish of harvest seasons and the death of important people in their respective societies like kings and chiefs. We have the best time, everyone in class is great and Ive become a complete drumming junkie! I hope that this inspires you in some way. Everyone's counting on you to set the tempo, drum guy. Kudos. The people who come together at DRUMS from HEAVEN are all special. It's a broad question that actually has many layers of an answer. Mostly it involves CORE STRENGTH. Have you done any further music therapy with special needs children? It is an honor to participate. Drumming seems like the outlier to me. I fell in love with Taiko drumming during an Obon festival I attended a few years ago. My name is Dr. Ron Neuhauser and I am a multiple award winning pro drummer from the California bay area, martial arts sensei, and retired mental health specialist (PhD in behavioral psych, BS in Org. Its important to get the right size drum and there are videos on the X8 Drums site to help you with that. Geri, (kittys mom). I arrange performance pieces and lead/perform in several different groups. THE FIRST MUSICAL INSTRUMENT.i really cant explain what the feeling is when i play certain songs. Im sure that with a bit of research you could find something rhythmically satisfying without having to resort to a full kit. I CRY AND FEEL HUGE ENDORPHINS. I dont know how I would have been able to make it through those extremely difficult days and the time after his death without the benefits of drumming and the supportive community that came from it. the power of music and drumming within a fitness class is revolutionary. My oldest daughter has been looking for a hobby that she can focus on and get a break from school. She would do activities and probably words or songs with him off to the side. thanks again for putting this out there, its the best kept secret around in my opinion. Take care and keep on drumming.it is a universal language and a gift of healing from above ! Their blood pressure, blood lactate and . I dont do drum circles but I created customized health and wellness programs that rock (Next Stage Drumming) and I have a drum ministry through my church. And to create the rock rhythm, you have to place the emphasis on the off-beats, which 2 and 4. Senses are engaged unanimously in this type of learning. Many provide the drums for beginners, so this wouldnt be a barrier to joining. Ive noticed, as a result, my level of internal chatter and negative self talk is probably decreased by 50 to 25%. The drummers from Mali were other- worldly. ), there are huge benefits to drumming, a few of which include. My Mum and I were introduced to shamanic drumming and we go to drumming workshops at weekends. Ill have to keep that in mind and find some drum lessons he would like! I got my niece and drum when she was eight years old and taught her a few things Including the handover hand pattern which require should keep alternating between your right and left hand She used some . My idea is to bring out a rhythmic motion where it reflects participants current state and then transforms into a higher positive state through a systematic approach. My daughter did West African dance in college. 413.448.3500 I tried cardio drumming, but it made the back pain worse. I love it so much. Google: primordial+rhythm+meditation for my website. An introduction to the Drumming Circle is being offered at my local Senior Center. So that means usually once or twice a week for two hours I am totally concentrating On my timing and the pattern on playing. His words Ill never forget, he said, I need the drums. In the ceremony, the beat of the drum is significant, as is the drum itself. I have been Drumming since I saw Ringo Starr with the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. -focus Thank you! Within the past year since moving to new location, Ive been working at a factory full time and a part time job also, so I havent worked with the school students for about an year now. PO Box 309 My mom who sings in a choir of Angels at her church had a crush on the bands drummer. Drum playing is my favorite time pass and I love doing that. But i came across Dr Northrup site and read your article. Ive also started doing some hand drums at our community center. I never knew it was an actual brain reason. I majored in music at Shepherd College and Berklee College of Music. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish. Calling it a BS DOESNT HELP!) The ENT doctor arranged for a hearing aid and I wasnt ready to give up. David Day, Well said! Hey, MartinI, too, am almost 57 yrs old and, like you, picked up the drums when I was 16. Part of karma, I suppose. I offer an online program that teaches people how to play the frame drum an ancient womens drum and have included this writing in my program! My mother introduced me to it and she loves drumming in a circle or anywhere, she is 81. psych). Drumming can help improve attention, inhibition control and thinking skills, research suggests. I can testify through 52 years of personal experience playing the drums (40 pro now, on TV, radio, CDs, demo tapes, many students,) that all of the benefits of drumming that you talk about in the above article are absolutely TRUE !! All the best to you, Rock Star! Research shows that the physical transmission of rhythmic energy to the brain actually synchronizes the left and right hemispheres. I love it. http://www.marlaleigh.com, Drumming workshops for Schools, Colleges, Kindergartens,Drum circles for community events,Staff motivation,Icebreakers for Corporate team building activities,Interactive drumming events. Even metronomes do it. I now sage smudge my home too since attending these workshops as sage is regularly burnt there. We integrate some African rhythms with a lot of improvisation and creative expression through the drums and dancing. Thank you for your contributions, I am a fan. I was amazed because I knew she hadnt been actively drumming in a while. It was truly awe inspiring. Might only be in the US, though,). Since the drums don't produce any melodic notes, a drummer will take a more rhythmic approach to songs, providing beats and rhythms to benefit those songs. I like to look into some of these ideas in more detail. Both at one point had living souls and moved onto to a different purpose and to live and provide energy in different way. Ill have to look into getting her a custom drum for Christmas as a way to get started! People can enjoy a relaxing and energizing time by participating in the drum and dance circle or watching and listening to the variety of world drum rhythms. I understand why virtually all the drumming/spiritual/therapy venues are oriented in a social format but as an asocial introvert for 90 years, Ive been practicing an innovated water drum meditation for the past seven years that might interest anyone exploring solo spiritual drum meditation. The reiki filled drum vibration was like having an organ massage, which is what participants told me. Wish me luck! Which three types of compositions were dominant in the Renaissance? Your gift helps create a more awakened, compassionate, and connected world. Mind, body, inner rockstar! For our final project we are to design and present our own stress reduction program. I have also noticed that if I dont drum for a while, I get depressed. I play the djembe and ashiko primarily but I also play frame drums. I never knew about all the wonderful things drumming can do. At least that I was taught. I moved to another city and it no longer fit into my space, but I had gotten pretty good at it. If you need help, ask a friend expert DJEMBE tuner! Highly recommend. More than just poses on a mat, we believe yoga is an accessible practice that inspires connection, compassion, and joy. System also. The physical health benefits of drumming seem almost unlimited. And listening to drum sounds regularly can have the same effect as drumming itself. Watch this video ad-free on Nebula: https://nebula.app/videos/polyphonic-what-makes-john-bonham-such-a-good-drummerIf you think this video was worth $3 - . Please share your experiences with me in the comments section. Im a drum circle facilitator and drum circles dont normally include movement. Feeling joyful is one of the best feelings one could have. Some events are mixed in with short cultural performances. https://www.scribd.com/document/28220586/Therapeutic-Effects-of-Drumming, My friend has been trying to get me to join a drumming circle for quite a while. Right on track!! My feelings grew very strong towards helping some of the survivors. I have chronic pain from a pinched nerve (sciatic) in my back. Using my PC, a good mechanical keyboard, good quality headphones (or a good set of speakers), freely available on youtube drumless tracks of my favorite music and a program called DvDrum, I am having a blast sounding like I did with a full kit back in the day. A Winter Cocoon of Connection: The Benefits of a Silent Retreat, Call Registrations at 413.448.3500 or email at registration@kripalu.org, Call Registrations at 413.448.3500 or email registration@kripalu.org. This is significant, because that balance is exceedingly hard to come by in modern day life, and brings with it deep healing. I belonged to a womans drumming circle many moons ago. Hi, There may be other known injury, these may contribute as well, and all of this may also cause a dystrophic state (kind of a neurology is in over its head so it freaks out in levels type of thing). I want to do that! I mean, who doesnt want to feel like a rock star? THE HISTORY OF DRUMS from HEAVEN, DRUMS from HEAVEN became a reality on October 29th, 2005. Thank you for helping spread the word. I am a 65-year old guy with Parkinsons Disease who loves to drum. Ashland, OR. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine enrolled both middle-aged experienced drummers and a younger novice group in a 40-minute djembe drumming sessions. I was quite athletic as a child and young adult, I never learned how to play any instrument. I have severe PTSD from the military and I am a female. Regards If you're in your head, you're not playing. Arthur Hull has training as well. We live in RI and are on the Artist Rosters of RISCA/The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, RI Teaching Artist Center, VSA of RI/Very Special Arts for children & teenagers with special needs as well as the NEST grant roster/NEFAs New England States Touring grants. Very accurate and well written article. I have carried on a lineage passed down to me. If I could send you a demo track of me actually playing using this method, your mind would be blownI play everything from Elton John to Metallica to Green Day to Devo to Kool and the Gang and the Jackson 5 and all in betweeneven the Beatles, The Who and CCRand it sounds better than my actual drum kit because I can download Neil Pearts or John Bonhams kit to get the right sound to play Rush or Led Zeppelin. it was capable of playing a larger range of dynamics. I use a Djembe with a 12 head (Thats the diameter measurement of the top of the drum.). I am a Celtic Priestess of Bridget and I lead women in Womb Healing ceremonies with drumming to connect to ancestor teachers. Ive facilitated drum circles and taught djembe classes. How did the Classic era piano differ from its predecessor, the harpsichord? That was 15 years ago and Im still an active participant. I fell in love with it the first class. Veronica, Drumming is a powerful form of yoga. However what I love about it is that you feel a sense of tribal primal togetherness. The most important thing we are doing is communicating and making one another feel good. As well as the foot speed, Joey had incredible speed and stamina from his hands too. I am a believer in the healing power of drumming and thankful for the experience. And I know that it will help a LOT of people. Thank you Dr. Northrup for sharing your informed perspective! But, the benefits you receive when you take this type of class are so much greater than those of your average aerobics class. ck out my website http://www.drumbafitness.com thank you so much i am going to print and pass out to my menbers. This is what most cultures would consider a "manly" duty. Its interesting, isnt it how often ones family doesnt share ones passion even when its so clearly beneficial and fun. Hello, i have a GOD GIVEN TALENT TO PLAY AND ENJOY THE PERCUSSION INSTRUMENT. When doctors come on board to reiterate and validate what us field practitioners have been experiencing, sharing and practicing for many years, it makes our role and our job a little easier. Great subject, Dr. Northrup. I have tried massage, chiropractor, physio, just about everything, but I so want to get back playing. Footdrumming, as with other signals, probably originated by ritualization of older . Our community of drummers & dancers have grown now to crowds of up to 200 over the 10 years of existence. Over years of practice, drummers appear to modify the way that the two sides of their brain communicate. Come visit the Kripalu campus, nestled in the breathtaking Berkshire mountains, for a nourishing retreat full of yoga, nutritious meals, mindful outdoor experiences, and more.

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